Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jesus--My Most Treasured Gift

   Contemplating what Jesus would want me to share with you this month as look I forward to celebrating His birth, I read back thru my last blog. As Lovely Branches launches it's new website this month, I would encourage those of you who haven't been here before to go back and read my November blog to be reminded during this Christmas season to appreciate the many blessings you already have and most of all to celebrate Jesus and bask in His love for you. 

   This month is especially hard for me in that not only do I miss Ty for Christmas, but it is also the month of our anniversary and his birthday. God is so faithful though at always reminding me that His grace is sufficient for me and His power is made perfect in my weakness. Also, I trust Him enough to know that His plans for me are always perfect and continue to take one day at a time looking forward to that day when I will get to see Him and Ty again.

  Also, this season is hard because I have to fight being drawn back into my past struggles of thinking everything has to be perfect, that having and getting more is better. Our Lord needs to be our focus above everything else as He reminded me recently as I was reading John 14:23 which says:
 "Jesus replied, If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching, My Father will love him and we will come and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching."

  From my journal I wrote: "I realized as I read this that for many years I truly didn't love you, Lord as much as I loved and desired the things of the world and my own happiness. I was blinded to my sin. It's really hard to look back and acknowledge my sin and selfishness. I even struggled with tithing. I didn't understand that everything I had was yours on loan to me to use for your honor and glory. I desired to have peace and now know that can only come from you; yet I searched for that in the things of the world. I was jealous and envious of others and felt insecure and insignificant when I didn't have what the world says makes you valuable. How sad, Lord,  that I wasted so much time chasing after meaningless stuff instead of truly seeking to know You. I'm so sorry! Peace can only come from an intimate relationship with you and realizing that I have the Holy Spirit living within me to guide and counsel me. John 14:26 says: "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you." The life application commentary for that verse says: As we study the Bible, we can trust the Holy Spirit to plant truth in our minds, convincing us of God's will and reminding us when we stray from it. For many years I wasn't studying the Bible and really seeking to know Jesus. I would have devotions to check them off my list , but I wasn't desperate to know Jesus and to obey Him. I was much more desperate to have the "in" thing to wear, to have the "perfect" house, plan the next vacation, read books or the newspaper, watch T.V. or a movie, or even spend fun time with family and friends. All of those things were more of a priority than getting to know Jesus and surrendering to Him. Even though I read the Bible, I wasn't desperate to know Jesus, to have Him lead me. I still wanted control. Thank you, Lord, for continuing to change me and make me more like Jesus as I have chosen to meditate and read your Word with a desire to know you and love you more. Your living Word has revealed to me the sin in my heart that I was blinded to for so long. My desire now above anything else is to be your humble servant, to glorify you in everything and to become more like you each day as I depend on the Holy Spirit, who lives in me, to change me. Thank you, Lord, for never giving up on me and for your unconditional love and acceptance of me just as I am!"

   As I have said so many times: "Jesus is enough." Don't rely on things or other people to give you lasting peace, joy and fulfillment. They are only a temporary fix. This Christmas season focus on Jesus. He satisfies all who trust in Him. He will never fail you! Psalm 145:13b says: "The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made." and verse 18 says: "The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth."

   I can promise you that the peace Jesus gives as you surrender everything to Him is truly beyond understanding. He waits patiently as we try to find that peace in other things and people and what joy He gives when we choose instead to run into His arms and listen to what He has to share with us in His Word, the Bible (his love letter to each of us). My favorite time of the day is spending time with Jesus, my best friend, and hearing what He wants to share with me from His Word speaking personally to my heart. His words to me are more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold. (Psalm 119:72). It is no longer a duty but a time of blessing as I get to know Him better and understand a little more each day how wide, long, high, and deep His love is for me and for you too! (Ephesians 3:18)

   Where is your focus this Christmas? What do you treasure? The best gift that you could ever hope for and what I searched for in all the wrong places for so long--is peace, joy and contentment. That very special gift can only be found in one place--in an intimate walk with Jesus. You won't find it just knowing about Him, you have to get to know Him. When you choose to seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13) and find a treasure that far exceeds anything this world has to offer. I pray that Jesus will be your most treasured gift this Christmas and that you will choose to be still and know that He is God and to seek Him with all your heart. You will be blessed with the best (more of His love for you) and have the best Christmas ever as you choose to rely on and rest in Him every moment! 
   The song I'm going to share with you was shared by a facebook friend of mine. It's called Open my Hands by Sara Groves. As the song reminds us that God withholds no good thing from us. Also, I pray that you will with me open your hands and your heart to Jesus and as the song says to nod your head with an emphatic yes to all that He has for us. His plans for us are always the best even if those plans are painful and hard, He is faithful and will walk with us through everything!


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