Sunday, April 29, 2012

I'm Not Home Yet

The Lord continues to impress on my heart that He wants more and more of my attention and devotion. What I am finding is that the more I give back of the time, talents and resources that He provides for me, the more I am blessed with His peace, joy and contentment. I refer to another blessing from Him in my journal recently. "I was reminded that one of the blessings that I've been given because of Ty (my husband) going home to heaven is that part of my heart is already home there with him. Because of that it's much easier for me to not get caught up in the things of the world. I naturally long more for heaven since part of me is already there. My hope is there with Jesus and yet my hope is also here with Jesus as I abide in Him until that day that I can truly go "home."

In John 15:5 Jesus says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains(abides) in me and I in him he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." The most important thing I need to do is stay connected to Jesus. Only one relationship matters and that is my relationship to Him. A. W. Tozer has wisely observed, "Yet for all God's good will toward us, He is unable to grant us our heart's desires till all our desires have been reduced to one." I need to continue to abide in Jesus. Cynthia Heald in her book, "Becoming a Woman of Simplicity" says it this way, "Keeping my hand in His." She goes on to say, "Just as the branch must be attached to the Vine, I feel that if I keep my hand in His, then I'm connected to Christ. He is leading, I am following; He talks, I listen; I talk and He listens. When He stops, I stop. When He is silent, I am silent. Whatever path that I'm on, I know it is His path for me. Abiding is a lifestyle--a continual communion with the the Lord as I keep my hand in His." I completely agree with Cynthia's words. In order to have this close, intimate relationship with Jesus I have to make time with Him a priority. As I mentioned at the beginning of my blog--I can't outgive God. When I make time to be with Him He always helps me to accomplish more with the time that is left. When I have to be out of the house early or I'm gone more than an hour or two, I take my Bible with me so that I can read His words (His love letter)to me at any time. Cynthia Heald expresses my thoughts so well: "So I wholeheartedly and expectantly press on for the heavenly prize. I fix my eyes on Jesus. My life is simple because I have one focus: to know my Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ is my goal and He is my prize. I run my race with my hand in His ensuring my simplicity and devotion to Christ." Then from Andrew Murray, "Let Christ be first. Let Christ be all. Do not be occupied with abiding--be occupied with Christ. He will hold you, He will keep you abiding in Him. He will abide in you."

Now back to my journal entry: "As it has been over 2 1/2 years since Ty went "home", I continue to be amazed and overwhelmed at the peace and joy that Jesus gives me each day as I choose to allow Him to speak His words of comfort and remind me of His promises every day. Easter was especially meaningful as I rejoiced in my risen Savior and Lord. As I shared with my family at dinner yesterday, Jesus is my everything. I love Him so much! He makes life worth living and gives purpose to each new day. No words seem adequate to express my thankfulness to Him for being willing to suffer and die for my my sins. Then to rise again so that I can have a relationship with Him now on earth that will continue forever with Him in heaven. I Peter 1:3,4 "Praise be to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade--kept in heaven for you." WOW! Nothing in the world compares to that! I am so blessed and continue to look forward to each new day, one day at a time, choosing to trust Jesus to guide me one step at a time as I rely on His wisdom, strength, power and faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."

I love the following song. As it says, "I'm not home yet", but I can look forward to that day when I will be home with Jesus where I belong! YEA!

1 comment:

  1. I always was thinking (up till now) that I was getting tired of hearing a lot of songs that talked about leaving earth and going to heaven. I did not think they kept my thought pattern in the right place. Now, after reading your article and realizing that God has been calling me to a closer walk with Him, I can understand these songs in a better light. If I put on the importance of how important it is to spend time with Christ here; then the emphasis is better understood about going there. God is all about loving us. But one can't feel God's love very well if one is spending too much time away from the One who loves you. How important it is to lessen the distractions in our lives, turn from our sins of self (whichever they be -thou shall have no other gods before ME -sports, cars, exercise, workshop, shopping, etc; lies -i can make it alone, i don't need to ask for prayer, i'm fine, etc; stealing -how i make myself look, how i make myself feel, how i make someone else feel, false pride, false humility, etc; thou shall not kill -anger with family, at a friend, etc; thou shall not commit adultery -lust of any kind; thou shall not covet, well, by now I hope you get the idea) -...and turn to the One who loves us and give Him the praise He is deserving of both now and forever and always! Times of change come but it is up to the individual to pick them up, hold them close, hang on for 'dear life'; and give it all up for Jesus. That time is now. : )
